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Founded in 2023 and officially LLC-ed in 2024, KinkEd Atlanta developed to address the lack of education in the BDSM and alternative Lifestyle communities of the greater Atlanta area.  What began as a once a month service demonstration quickly grew into a multiple class per month endeavor led by Madam Jess of Atlanta Dungeon.  With the support of many individuals and groups throughout the Atlanta Kink Community, KinkEd Atlanta attempts to source quality presenters, teachers, and professionals to bring awareness of the need for knowledge and safety in all forms of kink play and fetish expression.  Through classes, demos, discussions, and social gatherings, KinkEd Atlanta strives to create a healthier and safer Kink experience for everyone from the curious to the experienced regardless of gender, race, sexuality, or religion.

Meet the Team

Proudly presenting the organizers who bring you each KinkEd Atlanta class and event.  Be sure to say hello at the next one!

Our Mission 

Community Supporters of KinkEd Atlanta!

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